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SOC110 Week 2 Building and Strengthening Teams Worksheet
Group Development, Roles, and Team Building Strategies
SOC110 Week2:
Team building can be a complex process. This assignment helps you to identify strategies for building and improving teams.
Complete the Building and Strengthening Teams Worksheet.
Respond to the following prompts in 75 to 100 words each.
- What are some examples of different roles and needs within a team? How can these roles and needs affect the process of teamwork?
- Describe the different phases of group development. Provide an example of a situation for each phase.
- What occurs during the process of group development? What factors contribute to the facilitation of group development?
- What are 3 or 4 strategies for strengthening teams? How do these strategies assist in team building?
- What is group cohesion? What factors contribute to group cohesion? How can you enhance group cohesion?
This assignment contains a Microsoft Word document.
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