Choose Your Desired Option(s)
- A competency is not core if it is easy for competitors to imitate.
- Which of the following is primarily used to help design products that will connect product attributes with customer desires?
- What dimension of competitiveness does time-to-market performance in product design and process selection affect?
- In a concurrent engineering approach to product design and development, an integration team ensures that various parts of the product are compatible with the needs of the target customer.
- A key decision point in the generic development process during “Phase 1: Concept Development” is project approval.
- The “house of quality” matrix is a technique that relates customer requirements to concrete operating or engineering goals.
- Similarity of projects allows for a streamlined and highly structured development process in which variant of the generic product development process?
- The ecodesign approach focuses exclusively on the design and commercial launch phases of the product’s life cycle.
- Quality function deployment (QFD):
- Economic analysis of product development projects is useful in which of the following circumstances?
- Value analysis/value engineering has as its objective to increase product quality and reduce costs.
- Designing a new product for aesthetics and for the user is generally termed industrial design.
- Target customers are specified during “Phase 0: Planning” of the generic product development process.
- DFMA stands for design for manufacturing and assembly.
- Because ecodesigned products are innovative and have better environmental performance, they can be of a slightly lesser quality than the market standard.
- Which of the following is not an example of technology –push product?
- Ecodesign replaces one or more of the other requirements considered in the design process.
- Economic analysis of product development projects must evaluate which of the following?
- In the generic product development process, phase 2 (system-level design) begins with corporate strategy and incorporates market objectives.
- Which of the following is a time-to-market performance measure used in judging product development performance?
- The purpose of value analysis/value engineering (VA/VE) is to:
- Concept development assumes a proven technology in which variant of the generic product development process?
- A key decision point in the generic development process during “Phase 4: Testing and Refinement” is concept approval.
- Quality function deployment involves listening to customers to determine the characteristics of a superior product.
- Early prototypes of a new product, using the same geometry and material processes as the production versions, are usually constructed during the concept development phase of the product development process.
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