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MPA553 Week1 Expenditures and Revenues Presentation
Introduction to Public Finance and Government
MPA553 Week1: Resources: A local, state, or federal agency web site.
Choose a local, state, or federal agency.
Locate their most recent budget information.
Identify three revenue sources and three expenditures for that agency.
Prepare a PowerPoint presentation of 7 to 12 slides addressing the following:
- Describing three revenue sources, within a government organization, and at least one expenditure for each of those revenue sources. Make sure the description includes where the revenue comes from and what kinds of activities the expenditures cover.
- The impact of the expenditures on the revenue source.
- The key players involved
- The influence of political and public policies.
- Recommended organizational financial analysis alternatives (what happens if you lose that revenue source?)
Format your paper according to APA standards. Place in-text citations as close to the sentence or item they are citing and list reference in the last slide. Presentation should be in third person. Avoid using speaker notes, only if needed to clarify the slide. The presentation should be in a webinar format that communicates information by reading the slides. It should not be done as if it was an oral presentation with verbatim notes. Title and Reference slide does not count toward the number of slides of the presentation, and the number of slides is given as guidance not as a strict requirement. Use several scholarly and relevant sources to support your slides and your comments. This assignment must be submittted in PowerPoint, and work submitted in other formats would earn zero points.
This assignment contains a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation.
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This assignment contains a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation.
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