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MGT434 Week2: ADA Accommodation for Medical Marijuana
MGT434 Week2: Resource: ADA Accommodation for Medical Marijuana Case Study, Marijuana in the Workplace: A Hazy Issue for Employers By Rachel E. Atterberry 9/18/2015, and Mass: First Workplace Medical Marijuana Lawsuit Filed By Joanne Deschenaux 9/21/2015
Research online law libraries and the Internet for sources concerning information on ADA, ADAAA, state, and federal medical marijuana laws, privacy for drug testing, as well as drug testing in the workplace.
Discuss the case study in a written report – including all its relevant topics – and include the following:
- Describe whether the requirements of disability eligibility under ADA and ADAAA are applicable in this circumstance, and discuss whether or not the woman has any valid claim and is entitled to any accommodation. Support your position using federal and state laws or statutes, including any legal cases on the matter.
- Evaluate whether or not the company has a valid defense. Support your position using federal or state laws or statutes, and include any legal cases on the matter.
- Analyze whether a reasonable accommodation is appropriate or inappropriate.
- Cite a minimum of two federal laws and one state law in addition to other sources that apply to this case study, and be sure to cite them correctly in the body of your paper as well as the References page.
- Recommend a conflict resolution process that can be used to solve the matter and avoid a lawsuit.
Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word report in the third-person voice.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines, and include headings to appropriately signal topics and keep your document organized.
Use a minimum of five different in-text citation sources within your paper, and properly identify them in your References page. Any laws and legal cases used in the body of your paper must also be included in the References page.
This assignment contains a Word document.
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