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HST165 Week 2 Industrialization and Progressivism
Immigration Experience
HST165 Week 2: Imagine you are a European immigrant to America, trying to adapt to the new life you sought. You want to share your experiences with your family back home so they will better understand.
Choose a country of origin. (Examples: Poland, Italy, Ireland, Greece, Ukraine, Czechoslovakia, etc.)
Write a 500-700 word, first-person description of your experiences as an immigrant to America in the late 19th or early 20th century. The description should take the form of a journal entry, autobiography, or diary.
Include descriptions of the following:
- The journey across the ocean, including sleeping accommodations and available food
- Arrival and entry through Ellis Island, including registration and medical checks
- The city you settle in, and why
- The living and working conditions of the city
Format references according to appropriate course level APA guidelines.
This assignment contains a Microsoft Word document.
Click HERE for more HST165 weeks.
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HST165 Week 2: Imagine you are a European immigrant to America, trying to adapt to the new life you sought. You want to share your experiences with your family back home so they will better understand.
Choose a country of origin. (Examples: Poland, Italy, Ireland, Greece, Ukraine, Czechoslovakia, etc.)
Write a 500-700 word, first-person description of your experiences as an immigrant to America in the late 19th or early 20th century. The description should take the form of a journal entry, autobiography, or diary.
Include descriptions of the following:
- The journey across the ocean, including sleeping accommodations and available food
- Arrival and entry through Ellis Island, including registration and medical checks
- The city you settle in, and why
- The living and working conditions of the city
Format references according to appropriate course level APA guidelines.
This assignment contains a Microsoft Word document.
Click HERE for more HST165 weeks.
If you would like to order an original assignment, please contact Thank you.
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