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HRM595 Week 3 Human Resource Development
Email Communication Responses – No. 2 Performance Appraisal Issues
HRM595 Week 3: Resources: Blossoms Up! Case Study and Email No. 2
Numerous emails have been sitting in the HR Director’s in-box for two months. Smith is highly agitated that none of his have been responded to. Now that you are hired, he has asked you to address the emails immediately.
Read Email No. 2 concerning a memo needed to respond to Smith’s inquiry about Megan Pearce’s performance issues, her performance appraisal and appropriate type of performance appraisal instruments, and your recommendation as to whether or not she should ultimately be kept on or terminated.
Complete Smith’s directions and the instructions in the email.
Use headings to appropriately signal the topics and keep your document organized.
Use a minimum of five in-text citation sources within your memo and identify them in your APA correctly formatted References page.
This assignment contains a Microsoft a Word document.
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HRM595 Week 3: Resources: Blossoms Up! Case Study and Email No. 2
Numerous emails have been sitting in the HR Director’s in-box for two months. Smith is highly agitated that none of his have been responded to. Now that you are hired, he has asked you to address the emails immediately.
Read Email No. 2 concerning a memo needed to respond to Smith’s inquiry about Megan Pearce’s performance issues, her performance appraisal and appropriate type of performance appraisal instruments, and your recommendation as to whether or not she should ultimately be kept on or terminated.
Complete Smith’s directions and the instructions in the email.
Use headings to appropriately signal the topics and keep your document organized.
Use a minimum of five in-text citation sources within your memo and identify them in your APA correctly formatted References page.
This assignment contains a Microsoft a Word document.
Click HERE for more HRM595 weeks.
If you would like to order an original assignment, please contact Thank you.
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