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HM370 Week 2 Prepping for the Interview – Phase 1
Restaurant Management Overview: Food and Beverage Services
HM370 Week 2: Class, this is Phase 1 of a three phase assignment in which you are seeking to interview a hospitality professional in a career path of your choosing. In this Phase, you will identify and contact a management staff person to interview in Week Three. To earn the two points, please provide the name of the person you will be interviewing, the title and company the person works at and the time for the scheduled interview. This interview will be conducted via phone, in person or via email between Weeks Two and Weeks Three so that the interview can be included in your Week Four career paper. More details to follow when each of the weeks begin!
You will post this to your individual assignment folder.
HM370 Week 2
Notes from Colleen to Class –
Hi, Class – just to reiterate again (I think some are in disbelief this assignment is so easy – smile) for this week’s individual assignment.
Class, this is Phase 1 of a three phase assignment in which you are seeking to interview a hospitality professional in a career path of your choosing. In this Phase 1, you will identify and contact a management staff person to interview in Week Three. To earn the two points, please provide the name of the person you will be interviewing, the person’s title and where they work and the time for the scheduled interview. This interview will be conducted via phone, in person or via email between Weeks Two and Weeks Three so that the results of the interview can be included in your Week Four career paper. More details to follow when each of the weeks begin!
It’s really that simple. If I was doing this assignment, I would try to find a MANAGEMENT job I think I’d like to have in the hospitality field, and see if I can call around and get an interview with that person. If you need help in finding someone to talk to let me know, but I think if you identify a hotel chain, restaurant, airline, theme park or recreational organization, you can uncover through FB or LinkedIn some of the executives at that company and call and inquire if they could give you 5-10 minutes of their time for a career discussion for a college level hospitality course. Please do not call upon fellow classmates to be in your subject matter expert. Look to an outside venue so you’ll have a new networking opportunity.
We will all work together on questions to ask in that interview and we are fortunate that we have several hospitality people in our class to help us build useful questions.
If there is any remaining disbelief (smile), be sure to let me know.
Thank you!
This assignment contains a Microsoft Word document.
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