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HIS 101 Chapter 15 Open-Book Reading Quiz
- Which of the following statements is NOT true about the early months of the war?
- Which of the following is NOT true about the First Battle of Bull Run?
- While Winfield Scott was devising the Anaconda Plan, Confederate diplomats sought assistance from Britain and France. Britain refused, but France agreed to support the Confederate cause.
- Which of the following is NOT true about Civil War soldiers?
- First Lady Mary Todd Lincoln had a younger brother, three half-brothers, and a brother-in-law who fought for the Confederacy. Varina Davis, according to the textbook, was pro-slavery, but also pro-Union.
- Which of the following statements IS true?
- Rivers and railroads were extremely important during the Civil War. Forts Henry and Donelson were important because they were on the Cumberland and Tennessee Rivers. The battle of Shiloh (on the Tennessee River) was a result of Grant’s drive towards a major railroad junction at Corinth, Mississippi.
- Which of the following is NOT true about the early battles of the War?
- Which of the following is NOT true about the fighting in Virginia in 1862?
- Which of the following is NOT true about emancipation?
- Which of the following is NOT true about the Battle of Antietam?
- Which of the following is NOT true about the Emancipation Proclamation?
- Which of the following is NOT true about reactions to the Emancipation Proclamation?
- More than 180,000 African American men fought in the USCT (United States Colored Troops).
- Which of the following is NOT true about “war behind the lines”?
- The US government enacted the first income tax in US history to help finance the war. It did not, however, raise enough money, so the government began to print currency called “greenbacks” (which happens to be the color of the US dollar today). The sale of war bonds also helped. The Confederacy was even more successful in financing the war effort.
- Which of the following is NOT true about wartime politics?
- Which of the following statements IS true?
- Which of these statements about 1863 and 1864 is NOT true?
- Which of the following IS true about the War in 1864?
- Which of the following is NOT true about 1864 and 1865?
- Which of the following is NOT true about the end of the War?
- Which of the following is NOT true about Lee’s surrender on April 9, 1865?
- The Civil War shifted political power from the South to the North, boosted the northern economy’s industrial development, greatly expanded the power and scope of the federal government, and even encouraged further colonial expansion of European countries such as Great Britain.
- The Thirteenth Amendment was ratified in December, 1865. By abolishing slavery everywhere in the US, it removed any doubts about the constitutionality of emancipation.
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