Choose Your Desired Option(s)
Technicalities –
Word count: 900 to 1200 words
MLA Formatting and Style: Double spaced, one inch margins, header, heading, the start of each paragraph is indented, there is a word count at the bottom of your composition (after the last sentence your write and before the works cited page), and a works cited page as its own page.
Worth: 100 points
Writing Prompt:
You should be well-informed on the controversial topics by now. You will pick one of the five topics write a composition arguing your position on the topic. You will need to pick two to three of the websites available for each side and use them as your basis of proof. You will need to use quotes, summary, and/or paraphrasing in some fashion for each body paragraph.
You will need to compose a well-developed, well-organized, and thoughtful essay with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph. If you need to revisit the paragraph outline, please do. If you need to double check the thesis statement requirements, please do.
You will need to acknowledge opposing points of view and respond to them. Use and cite information from the assigned websites—details, paraphrases, and quotations— (your essay should include quotes from at least four of the websites and cite the sources accurately). For this composition, I would like for you to keep it strictly geared outside of yourself and any personal experience. You will need to include a works cited page, which does not count towards the word count. If you need help with how to do this, please use the Purdue Owl MLA formatting site.
And lastly, proofread your composition carefully before submitting it. Remember that you need to be within the word counts for it to be eligible for grading and conferences.
This assignment contains a Microsoft Word document
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