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ENG223 Week1: Written Communication in the Workplace
Foundations of Workplace Writing
ENG223 Week1: Choose a specific workplace environment that requires regular written
communication. It might be a workplace you have experience with, or it might be a workplace you hope to enter when you have earned your degree.
State the workplace you have chosen within your introductory paragraph.
Write a 500- to 700-word essay answering the following questions about your chosen workplace:
• In your workplace, what are the primary audiences for written communication?
• In your workplace, what types of media (such as email, instant messages, memos, etc.) would be most suited to the audiences you’ve identified?
• What kind of tone would be most appropriate for your chosen workplace?
Support your answers by citing your assigned course materials.
Format your assignment according to APA guidelines, including the reference page which lists this week’s assigned materials.
This assignment contains a Microsoft Word document.
Click HERE for more ENG223 weeks.
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ENG223 Week1: Written Communication in the Workplace
Foundations of Workplace Writing
ENG223 Week1: Choose a specific workplace environment that requires regular written
communication. It might be a workplace you have experience with, or it might be a workplace you hope to enter when you have earned your degree.
State the workplace you have chosen within your introductory paragraph.
Write a 500- to 700-word essay answering the following questions about your chosen workplace:
• In your workplace, what are the primary audiences for written communication?
• In your workplace, what types of media (such as email, instant messages, memos, etc.) would be most suited to the audiences you’ve identified?
• What kind of tone would be most appropriate for your chosen workplace?
Support your answers by citing your assigned course materials.
Format your assignment according to APA guidelines, including the reference page which lists this week’s assigned materials.
This assignment contains a Microsoft Word document.
Click HERE for more ENG223 weeks.
If you would like to order an original assignment, please contact Thank you.
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