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ENG100 Week 3 Combining Your Ideas and Research
Body Paragraphs
ENG100 Week 3: The purpose of the Week 3 Body Paragraphs assignment is to construct three body paragraphs for the Final Essay, due in Week 5.
Review instructor feedback from your previous week’s assignment, paying specific attention to the feedback regarding your thesis statement and topic sentences.
Review this week’s tutorials on punctuation and grammar in the Grammar Tutorials and Quizzes Learning Activity to assist you with the usage of proper punctuation and grammar in your body paragraphs.
Review the Body Paragraphs Sample Assignment to give you an idea of the expectations for this assignment.
Complete the Body Paragraphs assignment, using the Body Paragraphs Template.
- This assignment should be at least 350 words.
- Fill out the title page of the template.
- Write your thesis statement at the top of the second page in the template. Remember that the thesis statement presents the main ideas that will be discussed in the body paragraphs.
- Write at least one paragraph for each of the three supporting points of your thesis statement.
- Each paragraph should begin with a topic sentence, include another 5 to 8 supporting sentences with details, and end with a concluding sentence that leads the reader to the next main idea and paragraph.
- Double space the body paragraphs and use Times New Roman 12-point font.
- Add your two scholarly article sources to the reference page at the end of the paper. You may use the Reference and Citation Generator to help you construct the reference page for this assignment. You may also consult the information you entered in your Organizing Ideas Worksheet from Week 2.
You do not need to include the introduction and conclusion paragraphs this week, as you will be working on those next week.
Upload your completed Body Paragraphs Template to WritePoint® powered by Grammarly®, and review and apply the recommended revisions.
This assignment contains a Microsoft Word document.
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