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DOC705R Day1: Pre-Residency Assignment: Personal Reflection
Critical Reflection, Critical Reading, and Identification of Bias in Self and Others
DOC705R Day1: Note: This assignment should not be approached as an extension of LDR/711A. Rather, you must place equal emphasis on each of the scholarship, practice, and leadership components of the SPL Model.
Identity is a complex phenomenon comprised of patterns of behaviors and attitudes that are informed by the actions and feelings we maintain toward ourselves and in relation to others (Wellington, Bathmaker, Hunt, McCulloch, & Sikes, 2005). These patterns frequently involve learned ideas, habits, expectations, and responses that change based on social circumstances.
As an emerging member of the doctoral community your identity will evolve to satisfy the demands of your discipline’s community of practice. This evolution will challenge you academically as you navigate various theoretical and philosophical landscapes, as well as personally as you engage in critical reflective and reflexive practices aimed at advancing your understanding of yourself and your identity (Wellington et al., 2005).
For this assignment you will engage in a reflective analysis, evaluation, and synthesis of the personal and professional contexts that have contributed to your current identity as a scholar, practitioner, and leader.
Write a 1,050- to 1,225-word narrative reflection that includes an analysis, evaluation, and synthesis of the personal and professional contexts that have contributed to your current identity as a scholar, practitioner, and leader.
Note: Refer to the attached Assignment Details document to inform the development of your reflection.
Format your personal reflection paper according to APA guidelines. Use of first person is appropriate for reflection papers.
Submit your paper before the first day of Year 1 Residency (DOC/705R) using the Assignment Files tab in the classroom, which will be available to you 1-3 days before the start of class.
Wellington, J., Bathmaker, A., Hunt, C., McCulloch, & Sikes, P. (2005). Succeeding with your doctorate. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
This assignment contains a Microsoft Word document.
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