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DOC700 Week 5 Revised Scholarship, Practice, and Leadership Paper
Doctoral Learning
DOC700 Week 5: In Week 3, you completed an analysis and evaluation of the literature to inform the development of your SPL paper. In this assignment, you will engage your informed voice to expand upon the Week 3 SPL paper by adding a layer of creative synthesis.
One important way to develop synthesis is to re-frame from a scholarly perspective to a professional perspective. This can help you to create a new design or professional practice of information literacy. You can also move towards synthesis by asking new key questions about information literacy which have not been asked in the materials you have read thus far.
DOC700 Week 5
Your Week 5 assignment submission should include the following:
- Refine your Week 3 Scholarship, Practice, and Leadership paper by implementing the faculty feedback and the improvement strategies from your Week 4 Revision Template.
- Differentiate your revisions using a yellow highlight or red font so they are visible to your faculty member.
- Add an additional section to your revised draft in which you add a layer of creative synthesis. To accomplish this, imagine you are in a room with the authors of your course textbooks. Expand on your paper by addressing the following questions:
- How will you contribute your informed voice to the conversation?
- What new understandings would be created as a result of your contribution?
- What professional practice do you think the authors are missing, that you could add?
- What if you extended the ideas into the future? What is a possible future information literacy model or metaphor or insight?
This assignment contains a Microsoft Word document.
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