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BSA412 Week2: Requirements Modeling
BSA412 Week2: SoftWear Silhouettes (a fictional company) is a rapidly growing mail-order house specializing in all-cotton clothing. Management would like to expand sales to the web by creating an e-commerce site. The company has two full-time systems analysts and one programmer. Company offices are located in a small, isolated New England town, and the employees who handle the traditional mail-order business have little computer training.
The current website must be enhanced to add e-commerce capabilities, including a shopping cart and order processing system. The online system will be known as eSoft. Over the next four weeks, your team will be responsible for creating the system model to address the eSoft business problem.
Provide a 90- to 175-word summary using Microsoft® Word describing the eSoft business model you would recommend. The document should include a bulleted list of measurable business requirements. There should be at least 10 bullets.Describe how to construct a functional decomposition diagram based on the list of business requirements.
The instructor will return your assignment with feedback which must be incorporated into the final deliverable/assignment that you will submit in Week Five for the team.
Ensure that references are cited and that the paper follows APA guidelines.
This assignment contains a Microsoft Word document.
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