Choose Your Desired Option(s)
ARTS230 Week 4 Comparing Ancient and Classical Art Assignment Options
Distinguishing the Historical and Aesthetic Eras of the Visual Arts
ARTS230 Week 4: Select and complete one of the following assignment options:
Option A
For this assignment choose two works of architecture to compare, or two other types of art for comparison.
Select two different civilizations from the following list, and then select a representative work of art or architecture for each:
- Ancient Mesopotamian cultures including:
- Sumeria
- Babylon
- Assyria
- Ancient Egyptian civilization
- River Valley societies in India and China
- Classical Greece
- Classical Rome
Write a 350- to 700-word essay comparing the two selected works, which includes the following:
- The time period in which each work was created
- The geographic region in which each work was created
- The name of the artist or architect, if known
- The purpose for which they were intended to serve
- A visual description of each work applying the principles and elements of design
- A description of the similarities and differences of these two works
- How the cultural values of the civilizations that created them are apparent in the works
- How the works function in our culture in the present day
Format your assignment according to appropriate course-level APA guidelines.
This assignment contains a Microsoft Word presentation.
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